Curriculum General

Our Teaching and Learning programs at Ceres Primary School reflect the Victorian Curriculum 2.0, which we are mandated to teach.


Differentiation is built into each lesson, ensuring all students receive teaching at their point of need. Our teaching programs ensure that students receive additional support or challenge where necessary. We have great support in our classrooms with our dynamic Teachers and wonderful Education Support Staff and Tutors that provide additional support as part of the TLI program.


Teachers are constantly reviewing, analysing and reflecting on their students’ achievement and progress – from class tasks to formal assessments, and use this information to design their learning opportunities.


Weekly PLC (Professional Learning Communities) are held with our teaching teams to reflect on their practice – identifying successes, new strategies to adapt and adopt and things to change. These are based on student learning evidence and help shape our teaching, to make it the best possible program for all!

© Ceres Primary School