Mental Health in Primary Schools


The Mental Health in Primary Schools is a new initiative based on research that has been funded by the Victorian Government.  Our Mental Health in Primary Schools Leader is Josh Beaton. Josh is a qualified Primary School teacher and her role is to build the capacity and confidence of educators to better identify and support students with mental health concerns. 

This includes:

  • Promoting a whole-school approach to the wellbeing of students, staff, and families
  • Implementing effective strategies aligned to social and emotional learning in the curriculum
  • Implementing whole school approaches to health, wellbeing, teaching and learning initiatives
  • Developing clear referral pathways within Chilwell PS and externally with community services for students requiring extra intervention
  • Improving school connections with local health service providers.

The Department recognises that good mental health in children is fundamental to their development. They recognise that schools are the ideal platform for promoting good mental health, identifying early signs of mental health concerns, and supporting referrals where necessary.

Part of the Mental Health in Primary Schools role will be coordinating mental health support for students by working with regional staff, school wellbeing and leadership teams, teachers, parents/carers, and external agencies. 

Articles supporting a whole school approach to mental health will be published regularly in the newsletter.  Information regarding community connections, such as the Geelong and Barwon South West free parenting programs will also be included throughout the year.


As a school, we are committed to and invested in the development of the whole child to ensure health, happiness, and success. 

© Ceres Primary School