
Our Maths program also uses a Scope and Sequence to ensure a Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum. Maths teaching reflects a Launch – Explore – Summarise Model, which has a strong focus on Problem Solving and Collaboration but also Explicit Teaching to ensure strong understanding of taught concepts and skills. All lessons include warmups to promote mathematical fluency and reasoning.


Our model highlights two pathways of teaching – one being explorative, the other, a direct teaching style.


Students are highly encouraged to use manipulatives in maths lessons to support their learning and tubs are set up in each room with a range of materials for counting, measurement, place value, fractions etc. Teachers use the Gradual Release of Responsibility model in their direct teaching approach to demonstrate and scaffold learning. Inquiry topics and the capabilities are also integrated into maths learning.


You can see the elements of this model in the image below.


© Ceres Primary School