At Ceres Primary School, we are committed to the Child Safe Standards:
Our aim is for children, families and staff to feel safe and happy at school.
- The roles and responsibilities of the students, staff and parents are clearly stated and are communicated regularly in regards to behaviour procedures (Appendix 1)
- Our students display knowledge and understanding of our school values displayed in their behaviours and participate in regular Values lessons (Appendix 2). They also understand the types of bullying and our Stage Response to this and other inappropriate behaviours. (Appendix 3 and 4)
- The children at Ceres Primary School are encouraged to openly discuss any concerns related to child safety and are informed about child abuse, the forms it can take, preventative strategies and how to report any concerns (e.g. Bravehearts Program, Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships, Cyber Safety). This also relates to after recess and lunch-time check ins, where students are given the opportunity to discuss any minor issues that occurred in the yard using the Zones of Regulation as a discussion point.
- The students take on leadership roles within the school
- We adopt a house lunch whereby the students sit, talk and eat with their designated house team from Foundation to Grade 6. Students in Foundation also have a Grade 6 buddy.
- The staff are committed to creating an environment that is child safe and is in the child’s best interests. The students have the right to be treated with respect, to have a say about decisions that affect them, to be and feel safe, receive an education and to play and have fun.
- We have a zero tolerance of child abuse and we follow relevant policies and procedures.
- Staff adhere to Mandatory Reporting guidelines from the Department for child abuse. This also includes other services including the Police, Child - First and the Department of Human Services (Appendix 7)
- Ceres Primary school regularly trains staff and volunteers on child safety through our code of conduct.
- Ceres accepts and respects all children and families and is inclusive of individuals from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.
At Ceres Primary School, we display our Child Safe Standards in every classroom to ensure that we are committing to each of the 11 Child Safe Standards.
Please see our Student Wellbeing and Engagement Policy that encompasses Child Safe, Inclusion & Diversity and Attendance for more information and for the appendix details.
Relevant policies and documents:
Child Safe Code of Conduct
Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy
Child Safety Responding & Reporting Obligations (Mandatory Reporting) Policy
Student Engagement and Wellbeing (Behaviour) Policy
For more policies please head to our Policies section of the website.
If you would like more information regarding Child Safe Standards, please see the DET Protective Advice