Literacy skills are given a high priority at Ceres Primary School. The daily Literacy block incorporates over two hours of Reading, Writing and Speaking and Listening learning. As well as this, there is an additional half an hour block of dedicated vocabulary and spelling instruction, using the THRASS (Teaching Handwriting, Reading and Spelling Skills) approach.
Literacy lessons are based on the Workshop model, which incorporates explicit instruction of reading and writing skills, independent reading/writing and practise time, strategy grouping (clinics), individualised conferencing, goal setting and reflection on learning.
Each classroom has a well-equipped library for students to select good fit books to read in class and at home.
Reading instruction incorporates the CAFÉ reading and Reader’s Notebook.
Writing instruction incorporates the 6 +1 Traits of Writing and Writer’s Notebook.
Speaking and Listening is woven into all Reading and Writing learning, focusing on expressing opinions, explaining and justifying thinking and sharing ideas.
© Ceres Primary School